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My Transition Back to Emory & Henry | Personal | Emory, VA

Well, this is definitely not a topic I'm used to blogging about... my personal life.

I know it's oh, so important though.

When looking for a photographer, choosing the right one for you is not simply based on portfolios and prices.

I truly believe that a personal connection with your photographer is ESSENTIAL to your experience.

So, that's why I plan to start using my blog as a tool to help you get to know me a bit better.

(P.S. Stay tuned... I have a "Meet Caitlin" blog post coming out next Tuesday...)


Today marks exactly one month since I came back to Emory and Henry College, and it's been quite the experience.

From Move-In Day and nights with friends to SGA meetings and choir rehearsals (and class, of course), I have been super busy.

So, let's just take a moment to recap some highlights of my first month back at Emory.

This may not be the first picture you'd expect to see on my blog, but... each new school year starts with a new pair of shoes. It's a tradition in my family, so I couldn't imagine starting my highlights with anything else.

I took these in my dorm room, and I can honestly say that I love the way my white rug looks as a styling background. Also, the HUGE window in my room makes for great light... and I'm all about great light!

Before classes even began, I had a great headshot session with Alexis... she's AMAZING!

I was inducted into Phi Eta Sigma, a national honor society, alongside several of my good friends.

I officially started my job as the SGA Secretary of Elections, which is very exciting. Attending (and photographing) SGA Senate meetings is such a perfect way to spend my time, and I hope to leave a positive mark on this campus.

See you soon,

Caitlin S. Cornett

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