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SGA Executive Portraits | CSC Photography - Portraits | Emory & Henry College, VA

... and I thought I was done photographing Senate meetings this year...

Well, technically, this session took place after this week's Senate meeting...

Anyway, I had a wonderful opportunity to photograph the new Student Government President (Landie Maness) and Vice President (Isabella McCall) on Wednesday, and I loved every minute of it!

It was quite a different session for me, as I pulled out all of the stops (and by stops, I mean lighting equipment) for their formal portrait.

As many times as I've photographed in Emory and Henry's Calliopean Room for Senate meetings last semester, you'd think I'd be just fine doing a simple portrait, right?

Well, to be quite honest, this room does not have the best light... it's incredibly dim. However, using flashes and other lighting equipment would be quite distracting to those on trying to debate on the Senate floor, so I've made do with the situation.

With this portrait though, I was able to set up lights, use flashes, pose... the whole shebang!

One of the senators claimed it looked like I was setting up a thousand-dollar photo shoot!

I can't wait to see what these offices and this semester has for Landie and Isabella. I know they will do a great job!

I usually don't post the same picture twice in one blog post, but I can't resist sharing the black and white... I just love it!

See you soon,

Caitlin S. Cornett

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