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CSC Headshot Community | CSC Photography - Information | Emory, VA

One of my absolute favorite things about my business is the sense of friendship involved in it!

That's why I created the CSC Headshot Community.

You may be wondering...

What exactly is the CSC Headshot Community?

The CSC Headshot Community is a group consisting of all of my headshot clients. That includes from my very first headshot session to my most recent, everyone in between, and I'll continue to add clients as they book.

In this group, we encourage each other on upcoming auditions, shows, or whatever else we have going on.

I also have the pleasure of hosting different events for my headshot community, like the taco party I threw in September! (You can read about that here)!

We have so much fun getting to know each other better and indulging in community and friendship... not to mention all of the discounts and prizes I offer to them.

CSC Headshot Community members get access to special discounts, prizes, and other offers that are exclusive to community members ONLY!

Does this sound great to you?

I want you to join me in the CSC Headshot Community!

How can you join?

Joining is so simple.

All you have to do is book a headshot session with CSC Photography! (Click here to see if you need a headshot).

Easy, right?

You can click here to book now or email me at, if you have any questions. I would love to answer them for you.

I hope to see you at a headshot session soon!

See you soon,

Caitlin S. Cornett

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