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Danielle Muawad | CSC Photography - Headshot Session | Southwest Virginia Community College, VA

It's been a hot minute (people still say that, right?) since I've seen Danielle... since very late April to be a bit more specific.

Danielle and I went to Emory & Henry together last year , were in the same department (back when I was still double majoring in musical theatre and pre-law/politics) in the fall, and became pretty good friends toward the end of the spring semester.

Then , she had to graduate and pick Regent University in Virginia Beach for graduate school.

I'm really proud of her, but that school is about 6 hours away... I miss her a lot (I think I'm going to have to visit... and wouldn't some nice beach pictures look great on the blog?!)

BUT, I did get to see her for her headshot session... and it was seriously the best of times.

We chatted, laughed, and had a great time at her session... AND we went to Restore (if you're not local, I definitely recommend this cute coffee shop) while I edited.

It's no wonder we're such good friends... Danielle knows what she wants in a picture (and is not afraid to tell me).

If she didn't like the way her eyes, chin, head, etc. looked on a certain picture, she would communicate that to me... and I could fix it or we could delete it and move on.

Most people wouldn't like having their work critiqued so closely; however, this made my job 10x easier... and gave her a gallery she absolutely ADORED!

In addition, I got to play around in Photoshop... which is so different from Lightroom (what I normal edit with). I learned so many new tricks.

I hope Danielle had as much fun as I did during her session (which was a lot), and I can't to see her again!

See you soon,

Caitlin S. Cornett

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