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SGA Christmas | CSC Photography - Event | Emory and Henry College | Emory, VA

Well, this is a bittersweet time for me...

I photographed my last SGA Senate meeting (at least for now) on Wednesday.

I've really enjoyed my time serving as the Secretary of Elections (which allowed me to photograph during meetings). However, I'm equally thrilled to begin my new position as Senate Clerk (although, unfortunately, will require me to record minutes rather than photographs).

So, this is my last Senate blog for a while, but it's a good one.

There wasn't any new business for the last meeting of the Fall 2018 semester, but our current Student Body President, Orlando Martinez Jr., did deliver a Presidential Address to the Senate body.

I won't go into much detail regarding President Martinez's address; however, if you'd like to know more about his speech, the SGA Secretary of Public Relations live streamed it to the SGA Facebook Page.

The semester's last meeting was a short, but joyous celebration of the entire SGA's accomplishments over the semester.

Enjoy some of my favorite images from this bittersweet meeting.

See you soon,

Caitlin S. Cornett

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